There is a new thing in Tiny Empires: the coming of the Alchemist. It is marked by the appearance of a red moon, and you only get it if you have any gold bars:
Gold Bars:- Found in the weeds of an acre which is bought

- Found in a final inspection of an acre which is sold
- Won at jousting
- Trader deal (5 were reported as the quantity received)
- Being voted King & Queen at the Ball (10 Gold bars each) - partners do not need be FED to recieve the gold
- Path to Royalty (Crown Jewels step, the next to last one) will also give you 5 gold bars
- Sending any gift to an ally through the ambassador (Sender sees this text: "You have arranged to send [gift name] to [your ally]. Hidden in the box was a gold bar! It wasn't yours. Perhaps just a mix-up with the courier." Recipient sees this text: Your ally [name] sent you a gift. You receive a [gift name]. Hidden in the box was a gold bar. Your ally claims no knowledge of if, so you keep it.") Note: So far, it has only been the ally receiving the gift who has gotten it, according to reports in the TE Monarch Channel. Reports of the sender receiving it are surfacing, but no confirmation on that.
Note: If you have any gold bars, they will appear on your account tab, on page 2.
The Red Moon:When the moon starts to turn red, and shimmer and return to normal (3 turn process), the follow occurs for anyone who has a gold bar. Everyone sees the first message, the second, third message depends on whether you have gold bars or not.

"The moon glimmers redly." (
added by Queen K - if you see this message BUY an acre, I believe that this will be your best chance to get a gold bar)
"Villagers on the outskirts of the kingdom send reports that an alchemist is headed this way. Her covered wagon is decorated with intricate patterns. She will be here soon." or "The moon shimmers with a red glow." (if you don´t have a gold bar)
"The Alchemist has parked her red covered wagon at the edge of the forest tonight. Hundreds of potions line the shelves inside, in small glass vials. Prices are listed in gold bars. You quickly count your stack: XX bars" or "The moon returns to normal." (if you don´t have a gold bar)
"The moon above glares a dull red. The Alchemist beckons as you draw near. She offers you this selection of potions. Which will you buy?" You then get to choose from a scrolling menu a selection of three vials if you pay the Alchemist x Gold Bars.
Potions:Bubbling Potion (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- "You trade away a gold bar for a bubbling potion and quickly drink the entire vial. The air shimmers for a moment. You feel very lucky."
- Gold windfall of 13.8 mil - @ 1073 personal acres = Cost of 3 acres roughly
Blue Potion (Cost: 1 gold bar):

- "You trade away a gold bar for a blue potion and quickly drink the entire vial. The air shimmers for a moment. You see a wavering image of a dark sun, travelling east to west across a yellow sky."
- When the Trader comes...."He refuses to tell you what you will receive, but with the blue potion coursing through your veins, you understand it will be free. Will you accept?"
Bronze Potion (Cost: 3 gold bars)
Draught of Quintain (Cost: 1 gold bar):

- "You trade away a gold bar for "Draught of Quintain" and quickly drink the entire vial. The air shimmers for a moment. Your muscles flex and you feel knowledgeable, 2 times over"
- This allows you to attend the joust at no cost of an acre. At the joust screen it says "Draught of Quintain coursing through your views you do not have to set up a practice jousting field"
Unknown at this time if the x2 is winning 2 rounds, winning 2 full joust or not having to pay the acre at 2 festivals. (Note: Quintain is a jousting practice target that spins -
Dark Green Potion (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- "The year ends and taxes are due for most. However you are still under the effects of the dark green potion. You pay nothing"
- 5 years of tax amnesty
Draught of Stentor (Cost: 3 gold bars):
Elixir of Prevention (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- You feel safe - Will prevent a disaster for you and you'll receive the same amount of citizens as if you did second highest option

Essence of Giving (Cost: 1 gold bar):
Essence of Loyalty (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- "You trade away a gold bar for "Essence of Loyalty" and quickly drink the entire vial. The air shimmers for a moment.....You feel Loyal."
- Loyalty reward is increased (not sure how much exactly)
Lure of Gold (Cost: 1 gold bar) :
- Your next offer to bribe another subject may be significantly more enticing. When used it tripled the bribe offer.
Oil of Metagrobology (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- "You trade away a gold bar for the potion and quickly drink the entire vial! The air shimmers for a moment. You feel intelligent"
- Don't answer the riddles & rum's, you will get them right all the time over and over again (but get paid less than if you answer it correctly - no idea how long this lasts)
Orange Potion (Cost: 2 gold bars):
- "You trade away 2 gold bars for an orange potion and quickly drink the entire vail. The air shimmers for a moment. You feel safe from sabotage."
- Seems obvious but no idea how long this lasts
Potion of Amnesty (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- "The Potion of Amnesty courses through your veins. The homage normally paid by your direct subjects will be taken from another source. For one year, they will owe you no homage payments."
- Lets you grant homage amnesty to yourself or your directs for one year, they or you will not pay homage ... plus "your purse feels heavier" and you appear to also get gold from it.
- You may give homage amnesty to yourself or your direct subjects. No homage payments will be owed for a year. Will you grant homage amnesty to yourself or your subjects?
Serum of Generosity (Cost: 3 gold bars):
- You can send 10 personal acres to direct subject. Cost 3 Gold Bars
White Potion (Cost: 1 gold bar):
- Feel Lucky
- Received a gold windfall = cost of 1 acre
As of April 10th:: The theory exists that while you are under the influence of one of these potions/elixirs, you are ineligible to receive gold bars or sell high offers. The theory has been only tested so far with the Elixir of Prevention but may exist with others as well that have longer lasting effects.