Thursday, February 26, 2009

Renowned Dealer Jeremiah Constantine

"Shameless stoned guy, organize rock partys and makes everybody to dance ...

Takes the virginity from inocent girls, says he is a beliver, but doesn´t know how to pray ..."

Shame on you ! :-)

Queen Mum Velma Paine

"SLibate...if you don't know what that is....think about it *smiles

Proud to say that I'm a Second Life Mentor and Mentor Greeter...Mentor Buddy and Apprentice Buddy...if you have questions, or need help, let me know.

I proudly own and partnered with luciana sciarri...she is an angel. If you mess with her, i WILL hurt you.

Always remember in SL as in RL...Never make someone your priority if you are an option for them."

She is one of the most admirable person I ever met in SL. Intelligent, caring and always ready to help anyone in need. Since She abdicated from Her throne (She was the Queen of Isle of Eire, the Queendom I was before ascending), She dedicates most of Her time on SL helping new residents (and that is something that requires superhuman patience...). *kisses*

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Mythic Crete Minotaur

"In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a creature that was part man and part bull. It dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction built for King Minos of Crete and designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus who were ordered to build it to hold the Minotaur. The historical site of Knossos is usually identified as the site of the labyrinth. The Minotaur was eventually killed by Theseus...

... but that´s my second life :-)"

He used to camp in a place where I worked. He looks scary (or not...) but he´s a lot of fun !

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feline Trouble Kent Fiertze

"I´m a cat with wings. Do you think it´s weird ? So imagine being hit from the sky by a furball ~~smiles wickedly~~ just kidding.

I´m a nice kitten, feel free to IM me !"

Luciana looks at the sky and shivers... ewwww

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Royal Knight Arthur Gothly

"Loyal Knight at the service of Queen Luciana Sciarri of Asgard, to whom I sworn allegiance and protection."

Thank you for your loyalty, Arthur !

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ragnarok Wolf Fenris Sveiss

"Forget about childish stories about pityful bad wolves. I´m the Fenriswolf, the Father of all wolves, the enemy that crawls on the subconsciousness of mankind since your first spawned.

I´m the killer of gods, the one that will bring darkness and despair... and my time is coming at last !"


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Balloon Giver Pennywise Clowes

"Hi, I´m Pennywise, the dancing clown !

I like children, and they like me too !

Do you want a balloon ? They float !!



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grumpy Dragon Lockheed Muircastle

"Lockheed, the dragon of Muir Island, resident of Muir Castle. Don't you mess with Kitty, or I will fry you in your own body fat.

Everybody make fun of me because i´m a small dragon, but I will grow up and bite their heads off !"

He was the first to defend me when some people got angry by my ascension to Queen of Asgard. He is my guardian dragon... hmmm... maybe it would be a better title ;-)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ronin Sadao Ugajin

"I´m a japanese descendent, interested in Edo Japan roleplay.

I´m sorry to say that I don´t speak japanese at all, but I´m willing to learn."

There are at least a few interested in it here, Sadao. We are almost a samurai clan ;-)

Sweetie Aluveaux Zerbino

"I play TE, which I'm a Princess in Queen Luci's Asgard Empire.
I like interesting and unusual Roleplay scenarios.
I like to meet new people and explore new places in SL.
I'm interested in meditation, wicca, and history.
Finally I don't take 2L too seriously, I love to laugh and people who make me laugh."

She´s such a sweetie girl, I couldn´t think of another title ;-)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fabulous Prince Anton Khandr

"I´m a brit designer interested in culture, fashion, architecture and all artistic manifestations on SL.

'I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.' Oscar Wilde"

Anyone that quotes Oscar Wilde and has this fashion sense deserves my respect ;-)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Little Lilly Sayuri Chan

"Japanese descendent submissive girl, owned by Master Beowulf Skytower, and restricted to His use.

I love to meet new people, window shopping and fun parties. But I´m specially interested in learning more about my japanese heritage.

PS: being owned does not mean that I can´t have friends !"

Sayuri is one of the sweetest (and cutiest) girls I ever met in SL. I hope all good things for her, because she surely deserves them.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Littlest Princess SarahElizabeth Inglewood

"Hello! Mys names is SarahElizabeth but people dust calls me Sarah. I's 3 years old and I's wuvs to play. I's wuv to dance too. And wuv to hears stories. I's gots a twins NatalieErienne buts I's dusts calls hers Nats. We's wikes peas and cawwots. We's aways tagethers. I's gots da best Mummy and Daddy in da whole worlds! I's wuv you Mummy and Daddy! Bye bye!"

She´s so cutie :-)

Lord Drackull Constantine

"Member of the Order of the Dragon.

I´m a misanthrope vampire, so it takes a lot to earn my trust and friendship, but I´m a loyal friend to those that earned it."

Good things are usually hard to get ;-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Redhead Valkyrie Brigid Thespian

"I'm new in SL, but I'm already addicted to it...

I used to be a Camelot Princess on Tiny Empires and now I´m at Asgard. I dropped in rank for a while, but now I´m a Goddess ;-)"

Thank you, honey, for all the support and help you gave me.

Loyal Prince Claudio Earnshaw

"I´m just a guy trying to find his place in this virtual world.

I was blessed with love once, but RL didn´t allow me to make this work. I´m not fond of repeating the same mistakes, so I will not look for another companion here until I think I can."

And I hope you find all happiness you deserve *kisses*.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sweet Sissy Evanessence Nightfire

Eva is my sweet, loving, caring, sister. Love her very much.